Monday, June 1, 2009

The beginning of the end

June 2, 2009

After four long years, my college life is drawing to a close. Soon I will be treading across the battlefield of business and finance, and the carefree days of staying up all night and sleeping till past midday will be merely a memory of times gone by.

Still, college had SOME remarkable moments which I should remember.

This is me and my girlfriend at that time. All my horrible friends are standing around and snickering, thus completely ruining any romantic atmosphere whatsoever. Dammit. And I once thought college was supposed to be a haven for dating.

A despicable person had stolen my good friend's handphone and thought that by hiding in his hostel room he could escape justice. He was dead wrong, as our avenging crusade rose from the people in a matter of minutes.

My friend whose handphone had been stolen actually kicked down the guilty party's door. THIS IS SPARTA!!

Btw if u are wondering, we did not do him any violence, but simply handed him over to the authorities.

Here my lecturer was actually sleeping in class, with her head resting on her arms, which in turn rested on the desk. None of us quite dared to disturb her slumber despite our astonishment. I thought sleeping in class was an unalienable right reserved for students alone. What an infringement.

In any case, these are some of the memorable moments of college life. An amazing 4 years for me.